I've been outside messing with the rocks again but I came in at the behest of the Executive Producer, who has big plans for us this evening, as indeed he does every Monday. Chuck will have the pleasure of our company for an hour ... then we'll get a few thrills from Jack Bauer. Before those menages a trois, though (oh, come on, you know all of you were thinking along those lines), here's a few images through the garden gate. After perusing my images, won't you head over to see Robin at Getting Grounded, who's going to join me from Austin each week to share the view from her garden gate. If you'd like to participate next Monday, I'd be delighted to see YOUR view!

I 've encountered technical difficulties providing pictures of the usual views so I'm going to delete the X-boxes and will make another stab at it when I'm at my home computer.
The back patio
I 've encountered technical difficulties providing pictures of the usual views so I'm going to delete the X-boxes and will make another stab at it when I'm at my home computer.
And since you're in Texas even better! I'm in Austin.
Thanks for sharing such great pictures!
This Garden Gate idea is very cool. Heading over to Robin's now for another perspective.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Lancashire Rose, having seen pictures of your amazing gardens, I consider your words high praise! Thanks for stopping by ... I hope you'll participate some Monday!
Ella, nice to see you! Austin has a thriving community of garden bloggers so you should have lots of info available to you. Good luck in your garden!
Annie, at one point last Saturday, I stopped the truck & stepped off the curb into the street to gauge whether it was too deep: the water was almost to my knees, which was a bit scary. My shoes are still drying out!
Another lovely view--your garden always seems to look perfect. And you're always improving it.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I would love to talk with you about being a speaker at our garden club! Lorretta bobrug@comcast.net