Before I got started on the garden chores for today, I grabbed my camera and did walkies around my corner of Katy so I could share some of the daylilies with y'all. As I noted in my Bloom Day post, a lot of them are missing labels and have gone unidentified for way longer than I want to admit. While the Head Gardener can be faulted in many instances, there are some whose labels have faded or gone missing. I have a fairly decent list of what I've bought over the years so I'm working on matching plants with their names. I bought copper plant tags at Target last year (love that One Spot area) and I numbered them from 1-20 using a marker that's guaranteed (ha!) not to fade. When I find one that's missing a label, I take a picture of the bloom with one of the numbered tags. The tag remains with the plant; once I've made an ID, in theory I'll add the name to the tag. The only drawback to this system is that plants have to bloom in order to be recognized!
OK, on with the show. If anyone has a possible ID on some of these, please let me know! UPDATE: I e-mailed Paula Payne and she was able to identify several of them. I've noted that on the captions.
I know where I bought this one, just can't remember the name. Payne's in the Grass Daylilies
in Pearland, Texas is well worth a visit during bloom season if you're in the Houston area. Paula said this is one of their seedlings ... nice work, Paula & Leon!
Seize the daylily, my friends! Seize the daylily!
OK, on with the show. If anyone has a possible ID on some of these, please let me know! UPDATE: I e-mailed Paula Payne and she was able to identify several of them. I've noted that on the captions.
This one is growing along the split rail fence of the rose bed, so I had to stoop to capture it.
I love the darker red eye on this one.
I love the darker red eye on this one.
in Pearland, Texas is well worth a visit during bloom season if you're in the Houston area. Paula said this is one of their seedlings ... nice work, Paula & Leon!
MMD, I know that first one doesn't have Chicago in its name. I'm pretty sure it came from Payne's in the Grass. I need to e-mail them and ask if they'll take a look at this post. They could probably ID most of them. Otherwise, I have to wade through my list of nearly 100. I don't have that many now; that includes the ones I've bought and lost.
Clearly you are quite the afficionada.
Good point about depth of color. In the south things can look quite different. I look forward to seeing if you get more ID's. And to see you in Chicago!