Serendipitous Sunday Stroll

The Head Gardener and I took a few moments to relax in the back garden earlier, sipping an insouciant little Sauvignon Blanc, and gazing at the lone cosmos bloom in dismay ... it's a lovely bloom but we had rather hoped to see more than ONE bloom given that we sowed 4 or 5 packets of seed this summer. We do not know what happened to the rest of the seeds but are fully cognizant that they may lie dormant until next summer when we will be inundated with cosmos. There is no picture of it because the Head Gardener failed to remind me it should be documented. Or I failed to remind her. Whatever.

We then betook ourselves to stroll out front for a moment and I'm so glad we did. I did a double take when I saw this cheery Chocolate Cherry sunflower ... but as the HG reminded me, we also sowed a few packets of sunflower seeds sometime in mid-summer. The Lone Sunman, the Head Gardener calls it. She disagrees with my identification of the variety: she believes it's Autumn Beauty instead. What do y'all think?

A note re the weather: the coolth is slowly but steadily diminishing and we are told it could hit 90 degrees later this week before another front moves through. I'm practicing remaining stoic in the face of adversity should this happen. The HG, however, has other ideas: she plans to decamp to New York City next weekend and enjoy some REAL fall weather!


I'll commiserate with you about Cosmos. Some of mine finally had buds & were just about to bloom when they got zapped by the cold. Such is life in the garden.
Ooh, lucky you, NYC! You should get some real fall there. Bring some down south with you, okay?
I can't believe the cosmos are not there. I bought more seeds (red and white) to plant next spring--they better bloom like the yellow/orange I have!
I agree with HG--I think it is Autumn Beauty too.
Have fun in the northeast! Hope the colors are pretty for you.
Gail said…
Cosmos and zinnias were no shows in my garden this year! I hope they are going to surprise me next summer! HA!
How delicious...a trip to NYC! Have fun. gail
Nell Jean said…
I found you by way of Blotanical. I'm always delighted to find yet another Texas gardener. I learn a lot from Texas friends and have found a number of Texas plants that thrive here in south Georgia as well.

My Esperanza/Tecoma stans is still blooming, one of my fav Texas plants.
Cindy, I just wanted you to kow you won a prize. Send me your address, and I'll get it to you. Love ya.~~Dee