An End and A Beginning

Here I am at the end of 2009 with only minutes to spare if I'm going to be ready when my guests arrive to ring in 2010. Having been so sporadic in posting here lately, though, I wanted to take a few of those minutes to check in and wish y'all a festive and safe New Year's Eve, and say thank you for visiting my cyber corner of Katy. I'm hoping to be a lot more diligent in putting fingers to keyboard this coming year. Perhaps I should be thankful to the cold weather for giving me ample subject matter ... parts of my garden are barely recognizable, thanks to the blizzard of aught-nine, and it will be a very different garden in 2010 than it was in 2009. I'm more excited about that than I am distressed: as I've mentioned before, I like changing things up and reworking the scenes I've set. (I do wish I'd covered the variegated Firespike, though ... I fear it has, as Madalene Hill was wont to say, gone to its fathers.) I've already gotten into the spirit of things and moved some moss rocks to the rose bed, added compost and will get busy seeding Linaria out there tomorrow. Then there's that whole area under the pine tree to consider ... and the spot presently occupied by what's left of the Erythrina crista-galli (yeah, I didn't tell y'all about that ... just wait till you see ... but I had good reasons, really I did ... ) ...

But those are stories for another day ... so for now, I'll bid y'all a fond adieu and see you in the New Year!


Pam/Digging said…
2010 will bring its weather challenges, as has 2009. But we gardeners will soldier on! Here's to ample rain, a shorter summer, and a mild winter next year in Texas. Happy New Year, Cindy!
Carol Michel said…
Happy New Year, and may all your weeds die and your flowers flourish!
Cindy, I hope you have a great 2010! Great new things to come in the garden!
Happy New Year, and here's to exciting new things in the garden!