The Head Gardener wears many hats here at Wit's End. Her favorite has long been this Shady Brady model, as worn by Julia Roberts in RUNAWAY BRIDE. She swears that when it was inew and in prime condition, people were constantly mistaking her for Julia. Uh-huh.
As you can see, however, the old hat is definitely Old Hat and no longer offers the protection from the sun so necessary here in south central Texas. Last week the HG and I finally sat down and perused the offerings at Garden Shoes Online since I won a $50 gift certificate from them back at the May 2009 Chicago Spring Fling*. I have to say that we are very impressed with the speed of their response to our order and its delivery. We placed the order on January 15th and it was shipped within 24 hours. We received it on Friday, the 22nd, as promised. Here's the hat I ordered, the Tula Hats Outback model. I had to laugh when I read the tag: it's made in Austin, Texas! The Head Gardener has already worn it and pronounced it very comfortable. We hope it has a long and illustrious career protecting our noggin(s) from the sun!

*If you're a garden blogger who hasn't already heard about the wonderful, fabulous, amazing plans being made for Buffa10, the garden bloggers' 2010 meetup in Buffalo, click on the logo up at the top of this blog and visit the Buffa10 blog site. We'll meet July 9-11, just prior to the Buffalo's famed Garden Walk, in which hundreds of private gardens open to visitors. Many of those gardens have agreed to allow the bloggers early access. Damn skippy, I'll be there! I hope you'll join us!
*If you're a garden blogger who hasn't already heard about the wonderful, fabulous, amazing plans being made for Buffa10, the garden bloggers' 2010 meetup in Buffalo, click on the logo up at the top of this blog and visit the Buffa10 blog site. We'll meet July 9-11, just prior to the Buffalo's famed Garden Walk, in which hundreds of private gardens open to visitors. Many of those gardens have agreed to allow the bloggers early access. Damn skippy, I'll be there! I hope you'll join us!
I was just looking up flights (and trains) to Buffalo last night. Won't go the train route as it's mighty expensive. I'd actually love to drive up there but it will be a 2 night stay from here. Hmm...