And the gardener goes wild ... again! The Head Gardener and I have been outside all afternoon, and we are tired and sore but happy. We started out in the back and were greeted by this winged visitor, much to our delight.

Although the sun was flitting in and out of the clouds, the HG decreed that if it's sunny enough for a butterfly, it's sunny enough for a gardener. Once we'd finished our photography session (when the Sulphur butterfly decided he'd had enough of our disturbing his meals and flitted away himself), we headed out front to work. In keeping with tradition here at Wit's End, we continue to rethink our rethinking when it comes to design and layout. We have a bad habit of planting under pressure (usually self-inflicted). Below is an example, although you really need to see it in person to get the perspective.
An aside before I continue: do you see why I've been whining about the lack of green and the predominance of brown? Winter. Huh. Yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Sorry, the HG tells me to stop exaggerating and move on. In the picture, there's a small lime tree behind the bag on the left (both of those hold rocks as we continue our efforts to remove them). Oh, hey, another aside: I listed the rocks on Craigslist free for the shoveling and hauling and had numerous responses. The big pile that once loomed in the area where the bags now sit is gone, baby, gone. Woo-hoo! Rock on! Interjection from the Head Gardener: Apologies, gentle readers, I can only assume that the sunshine has gone to her head. Yes, sunshine nearly always makes me high. Interjection the Second: Get ON with it! Oh, yeah ... so the lime tree was planted there because the spot was empty and it seemed like a good idea at the time. Interjection the Third: If I had a rock for every time she's said that ... We do, that was YOUR bright idea.
It was mine, however, to also plant the Erythrina crista-galli (Fireman's Cap) near the lime tree. The Erythrina eventually grew higher than the lime tree and began shading it. You might note that you no longer see the Erythrina to the left of the lime. That thing has roots like you would not believe. I've found them growing under the lawn. I decided it needed to go, so it's gone. Now I'm looking at that area and trying to decide whether the lime tree stays or goes. I do enjoy using the limes, which are small, yellow-green and juicy (Mexican lime, I think, too thorny for Key). I may prune it down to its central leader: I think it would grow better and be a prettier shape.
I had some other big ideas but I'll save them for later. Chime in and let me know what you think about pruning the lime. Interjection the last: Like she'll really listen to you. Oops, the HG's getting a little cranky. Perhaps I should let her relax a while. A strong cold front is predicted to blow through sometime this evening and bring a return of the rain. She'll have to put up with my crankiness tomorrow!
Although the sun was flitting in and out of the clouds, the HG decreed that if it's sunny enough for a butterfly, it's sunny enough for a gardener. Once we'd finished our photography session (when the Sulphur butterfly decided he'd had enough of our disturbing his meals and flitted away himself), we headed out front to work. In keeping with tradition here at Wit's End, we continue to rethink our rethinking when it comes to design and layout. We have a bad habit of planting under pressure (usually self-inflicted). Below is an example, although you really need to see it in person to get the perspective.
It was mine, however, to also plant the Erythrina crista-galli (Fireman's Cap) near the lime tree. The Erythrina eventually grew higher than the lime tree and began shading it. You might note that you no longer see the Erythrina to the left of the lime. That thing has roots like you would not believe. I've found them growing under the lawn. I decided it needed to go, so it's gone. Now I'm looking at that area and trying to decide whether the lime tree stays or goes. I do enjoy using the limes, which are small, yellow-green and juicy (Mexican lime, I think, too thorny for Key). I may prune it down to its central leader: I think it would grow better and be a prettier shape.
I had some other big ideas but I'll save them for later. Chime in and let me know what you think about pruning the lime. Interjection the last: Like she'll really listen to you. Oops, the HG's getting a little cranky. Perhaps I should let her relax a while. A strong cold front is predicted to blow through sometime this evening and bring a return of the rain. She'll have to put up with my crankiness tomorrow!