After spending all day writing plant descriptions, my wordsmithing muscles have been flexed about as much as they can handle, which is why this GBBD post is more of an overview than an in depth report. The collage shows a bit of what's blooming this month on my corner of Katy. (Click on it for a better view.) Here's a more complete accounting:
- ROSES: Madame Antoine Mari, Madame Alfred Carriere, Mrs. Dudley Cross, Reve D'Or, Marie Pavie', Souvenir de la Malmaison, Old Blush, Mutabilis, Gartendirektor Otto Linne, Hermosa, Louis Philippe, Cramoisi Superieur, La Marne.
- BULBS & IRIS: Narcissus 'Grand Soleil D'Or', Leucojum, Freesia laxa, small white Iris, Amaryllis 'La Paz' (inside)
- TREES: White Redbud, Sinojackia, Redbud
- ANNUALS: Bluebonnets, Linaria/Toadflax, Alyssum, Violas, Dianthus, Snapdragons, Kalanchoe, Larkspur, Delphinium, 21st Century mix Phlox
- PERENNIALS: Verbenas, Scabiosa 'Butterfly Blue', Engelmann's Daisy, Spiderwort, Louisiana Phlox, Australian Violet, Salvia 'Teresa', Salvia greggii, Salvia macrophylla
Diana, it's Saturday as I write and it's too danged cold! PLEASE let this be winter's last hurrah for Texas!
Leslie, I was surprised to see how much is blooming. At least the roses are happier than they've been in years!