Today is my mother's birthday ... I won't tell you which one exactly but will use the answer she gave when we were kids: "24 plus". In her honor, today's trio is all about her. (And if my aunt Mary Lue is reading this, for heaven's sakes, don't tell my mother there's a picture of her in this post!)
I get my love of gardening from my mother. She grew up on a ranch outside Victoria, Texas, where her grandmother had a bountiful vegetable garden and the house was surrounded by flowers. Probably because she had to work in the veggie garden growing up, my mom hasn't been big on growing her own veggies. She's been more of a foliage plant person for many of her gardening years but as my passion for gardening has grown, it's awakened her interest in growing more flowers herself. She has a talent for clematis which makes me green with envy and I am determined to equal her success!
She's also proven quite talented at growing orchids: the one below is part of her birthday present.
I love your Lee's Valley handles; love that place!
Yes, you really should have Clematis armandii but it is "vigorous," shall we say. And wow, thank you a million times for supporting CTG! That means so very much.
I too, have been behind in my blogging and reading of blogs. Too much gardening and travel I guess! Hope to get back to it in a couple of weeks.