Our countenances were far more woeful than that of this little cherub. And then ... then came Thursday afternoon, when the heavens opened and precious, lifegiving rain began to fall. The Katy area received approximately one inch of rain over several hours.
By Friday afternoon, new bud stalks had emerged throughout the gardens of Wit's End. And as Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day approached, blooms began to open.

And I wonder ... did they know somehow that rain was coming?

There are many other blooms to be found in the garden but it seemed only appropriate to celebrate the rainlilies on this May bloom day. To see what's blooming in other gardens around the world, visit May Dreams Gardens.
Do you know which one is your pink? I've got so many intermingled now that I can't keep them straight. I have the pink with the slightly crinkled petals that was sold to me as H. robustus (but will go look that up). Not sure about the whites coming up. But glorious all the same!