So here are some of the many reasons I have to be happy with my garden this Bloom Day.
Zinnias are still providing bright pops of color. |
Blackfoot Daisies haven't stopped blooming all summer. |
The Turk's Caps have burst into bloom just as the hummingbirds are making their way through. |
There's also Anisacanthus wrightii for their dining pleasure. |
'David Verity' Cuphea will make them happy as well. Other birds may like the seedheads of the Panicum 'Ruby Ribbons'. |
Castor Bean 'Carmencita' sports spiky red balls. |
The Gaillardias and Calylophus in the corner bed are hot but not bothered. |
If you double-click to enlarge the picture, I hope you can get a better view of the Justicia 'Fruit Cocktail'. The bees stay busy on this one. |
The small but happy surprise this GBBD was this 'Little Lime' Hydrangea received at GWA in 2009 or 2010. I'm amazed that it even survived the summer from Hades but to bloom for me under such trying conditions makes it a keeper! |
This grass was given to me by Otahal last year during garden renovations. He didn't have a name for it but said it was something someone passed along from the National Botanical Garden. Anyone recognize it? The plumes are much fatter than the picture shows and the mounding habit is quite nice. |
This is a Kidneywood tree, a tough Texas native that has the pollinator community all abuzz. I love its graceful habit and the airy white blooms. |
This is one 25 cent pot of Lantana bought on clearance at Lowe's last year. Talk about getting my money's worth and then some! |
Another Otahal contribution: look how perfectly Mother Nature coordinated the bloom color with the foliage color. |
After two frigid winters in a row, the Bauhinias galpinii, Tina Turner and Cher, took their time going out on tour. They are now rocking both the north and south corners of Wit's End. |
This 'Bright Lights' Cosmo wanted its turn in the spotlight ... she leaned over and insinuated herself into the picture as I was photographing Tina. |
The Lion's Ear/Lion's Tail (Leonotis leonurus) has cycled in and out of bloom all summer. |
The butterflies, hummingbirds, bees and more adore the blooms of the Duranta. |
Pigeonberry (Rivinia humilis) may be the hardest working bloomer in the garden. While it prefers shade, it grows for me in sunny areas as well, which surprised grower Heidi Sheesley of Treesearch Farms when I told her. The foliage color isn't as vibrant, though, so I'll move some of those in the sun to shadier spots in a few weeks when it's cooler. (Note my optimism.) |
The Pinecone Shrimp plant also adapts well to sun or shade. |
I think this is Salvia 'Otahal' but it could also be a cross between that and 'Henry Duelberg'. There are several blue Salvias around the garden that look almost the same and yet not quite. |
The Susans - as my dear friend Gail of Clay and Limestone, calls the Rudbeckias - are covered with sunny yellow blooms. There are tall ones ... |
And there are short ones, like these little darlings sheltering under the branches of an Arizona Cypress.
I'm a few days late but I'm always happy to be a part of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, which sprang from the fertile mind of Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Her garden fairies would probably take credit for it, given the chance! | |
I hope you enjoy a cooler--and wetter--autumn!
Your Sept. GBBD looks fantastic. I'm trying to catch up tonight and just read about a month of your posts.
Now for some news...I'm going to give you a bit of a mystery. The little pot of pigeonberry you gave me doesn't look like the pigeonberry in this post. It has just started blooming. I'll post some pictures tomorrow and perhaps you can tell me what it is! Whatever it's quite pretty and not anything I recognize. Isn't gardening fun when there are puzzles to solve?
Happy GBBD! David/ Tropical Texana.