Rain lilies |
Okay, I'm exaggerating. Aside from the fact that my rain gauge doesn't even have a measuring device attached (which would make it just a rain gauge holder), we didn't get anywhere near enough rain to fill such a tube (if I had one, which I don't because I broke it last year). (Don't ask me how, it was an accident, OK?)(And why do they make glass tubes for them anyway?) (And what's with all the parentheses all of a sudden? I was cautioned against them in a writing class and yet here I am, flinging them about with wild abandon.) We DID get rain, though, 3 days in a row. The proof is in the plants!
'Rio Bravo' Texas Sage in full and riotous bloom |
Of course the rain gauge holder probably did a thorough job this entire summer. Zilch is easy to measure. LOL
Thanks again for the milkweed.
They are so healthy!
David/ Tropical Texana/
(Every time I complain about our rainy start to spring I think of where we were a few short years ago and where places like Texas are now.)