Wildflower Wednesday: Mmmmmm, Chocolate!

On a sunny summer's day (which is MOST OF THEM lately), there is nothing that can compare to walking by the corner bed and catching a whiff of the inimitable and heady fragrance that emanates from Berlandiera lyrata, also known as Chocolate Daisy.  I swoon ever time I walk by.  It almost makes being out there in 90+ degree temperatures worthwhile.  Almost.  

My thanks to Gail of Clay and Limestone for the invitation to participate in Wildflower Wednesday (and my apologies for continuing to whine about the heat ...).  Visit C&L to see who else has posted about their wildflowers!


Carol Michel said…
That must be some scent to make you think that 90 plus degrees is okay. Probably not hardy enough for my garden though...
Gail said…
I want a chocolate scented garden! That daisy would be cute daisy even if it weren't scented so deliciously.
Rose said…
This is what is missing from my garden--chocolate! Having that scent nearby would surely be enough enticement to keep me working a little longer pulling weeds:)

I do feel for you, Cindy, with "The Awful" beginning. We're supposed to get up to 100 today, and I have no intention of going outside after 9 AM. I can't imagine having this heat last for months. Before you pack up and move elsewhere, though, think about November--March. That's when the rest of us envy your Texas garden.
That's a cute flower I've never heard of. I am a chocolate fan, too.
Lea said…
Chocolate Daisy!
How wonderful!
Hot (100+F) and no rain here in north Mississippi.
Have a blessed day!
Lea's Menagerie