All that whining and sighing and bitching and moaning and wailing and gnashing of teeth over the long hard winter ... and this is what it brought me. I am so in love with the back garden right now. Would I be able to say that if winter hadn't been so harsh? I think not. There's a lesson there and I am taking it to heart.
My self-imposed rule for my Through The Garden Gate (TTGG) posts is to show it just as it is when I walk out to take the pictures: hoses strung through the beds, pots of this and that waiting to be planted, dirt scattered where I was digging because a bright idea hit me ...

Thanks to my fellow Katy resident Rebecca for asking me if/when I'd resume my TTGG posts and thus encouraging me to start a new series for 2010.
My self-imposed rule for my Through The Garden Gate (TTGG) posts is to show it just as it is when I walk out to take the pictures: hoses strung through the beds, pots of this and that waiting to be planted, dirt scattered where I was digging because a bright idea hit me ...
Just saw your last post on the bluebonnets and looked at them more closely--I realized how similar they looked to a plant I saw in Phoenix, the Arroyo lupine. So I checked it out and discovered they're very closely related. I didn't realize bluebonnets were a type of lupine!
Rose, our native Bluebonnets are Lupinus texensis. We can't grow the usual Lupines.
Jean, while it was happening, it was hard to believe we'd ever be grateful for such a hard winter!
MT, I have quite a few areas I'm struggling with. It's why the back garden is such a pleasure!
MMD, it's rarely completely tidy in the garden. Pictures may henceforth include EM's new bicycle, since there's no room for it in the garage!
Rebecca, you made me chuckle with the positive spin on my messes!
Debbie, I'm glad you found my corner of Katy and look forward to seeing you again.
EAL, there are pink snapdragons, white alyssum and white Phlox but I dunno if that's the thingies you mean!