So I took my usual morning walk around the garden to see what's blooming and check on the never-ending battle with the weeds. For the most part, plants (and weeds, dang it) were refreshed by yesterday afternoon's rainstorm. On the north side of the house, though, the crossvine that had reached the roof line now looks like this:

As you can see from the first picture, a few leaves cling to the siding, torn from the plant when it came tumbling down. I lifted the jumbled heap of crossvine to see the impact of the crash on the other plants in that bed: from what I can tell, they're in relatively decent shape.
I doubt I'll be able to get the vine back up, even with help: it's too big and unwieldy. Truth be told, I'm not all that dismayed: that crossvine is the native variety and I've never been too fond of the screaming yellow flowers. I'm thinking this is my opportunity to do something different in that spot. I could plant another crossvine, perhaps Tangerine Beauty or Red Dragon. One of the interesting things I've noticed about crossvine is that it isn't able to attach itself to the shingles on the roof, which could be a problem with other vines. I'm wondering if there's enough sun there for Rangoon creeper or Mexican Flame Vine. Or a climbing rose? There's an incentive to remove the elderly and less than robust pine tree a few feet away! We've been talking about taking out that tree for a while now: my biggest concern is that winds from a tropical storm or hurricane will send it crashing into the house. We're only 3 days away from the start of hurricane season: every year at this time we worry that it's our year to take a hit.
I guess I've postponed dealing with the remains of the vine long enough. I'm heading outside to see what I can do about the carnage. I'll leave y'all with some pictures of today's daylily blooms (no names ... as usual, the labels have been lost).

As you can see from the first picture, a few leaves cling to the siding, torn from the plant when it came tumbling down. I lifted the jumbled heap of crossvine to see the impact of the crash on the other plants in that bed: from what I can tell, they're in relatively decent shape.
I doubt I'll be able to get the vine back up, even with help: it's too big and unwieldy. Truth be told, I'm not all that dismayed: that crossvine is the native variety and I've never been too fond of the screaming yellow flowers. I'm thinking this is my opportunity to do something different in that spot. I could plant another crossvine, perhaps Tangerine Beauty or Red Dragon. One of the interesting things I've noticed about crossvine is that it isn't able to attach itself to the shingles on the roof, which could be a problem with other vines. I'm wondering if there's enough sun there for Rangoon creeper or Mexican Flame Vine. Or a climbing rose? There's an incentive to remove the elderly and less than robust pine tree a few feet away! We've been talking about taking out that tree for a while now: my biggest concern is that winds from a tropical storm or hurricane will send it crashing into the house. We're only 3 days away from the start of hurricane season: every year at this time we worry that it's our year to take a hit.
I guess I've postponed dealing with the remains of the vine long enough. I'm heading outside to see what I can do about the carnage. I'll leave y'all with some pictures of today's daylily blooms (no names ... as usual, the labels have been lost).
That crossvine will probably rebound if you just cut it off from the bottom. If you really do want to remove it, you may have to dig it up, and up and up. I'm still digging up cross vine from an area I removed it from 4 years ago.
Glad you finally got rain!
The crossvine had some tendrils that had snaked off under nearby bushes, so I suspect it will be fine. I discovered that I'd already planted a Mexican Flame Vine (name escapes me at the moment)at the base! I'll let them duke it out ... may the best vine win.
Gail, the daylilies have been a mixed bag this year. Some are just gorgeous and others just aren't. I can't decide if I have rust, leaf streak or both. The cruddy looking foliage really bugs me ... so I crop the photos so y'all see only the flowers!
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