I've been meaning for weeks now to post some pictures of heat and drought stricken plants, lawns, etc. so y'all could see that I'm not just whining for no reason. Yesterday's rain put a small glitch in my plans, though! It's amazing (and uplifting) how one good rain shower can bring plants back to life.
That's all right, I'm not complaining about now having fewer photo ops to share with you. Hear me and hear me well: I vowed after the droughty summer of 2006 that I would never again complain about rain. I hereby renew that vow in the presence of you, my trustworthy and stalwart witnesses (well, some of you ...). Hand on heart, I do solemnly swear that I will never complain about rain and that the words 'too much rain' will not pass my lips. So help me Mother Nature. OK, that done, I shall return anon. I'm headed out to take pictures.
And I'm back! These are a few examples of what I'm seeing around the neighborhood.
One of the reasons Crape Myrtles are planted so much in our area
is that they're such tough plants. It's all been too much for this one, though.
It's possible this is a reaction to some kind of chemical application, since
several others in this stretch look healthy.

This is a utility easement between two alleys. Think nothing
can bother Coastal Bermuda Grass? Exhibit A says otherwise!

This planting of Ligustrums (Privets) and Asian/Asiatic Jasmine on a nearby corner really illustrates how dry it's been. Compare the healthy dark green foliage at the bottom of the Ligustrums with the badly stressed top growth. It takes a lot to stress both Ligustrums and Asian Jasmine. We've had a lot. Also note the sorry state of the St. Augustine Grass in front of the bed.

As for my corner of Katy, it's not as bad as what's shown above. We do have a sprinkler system in the front and side yards; I usually switch the system on in June and then shut it off around November. When we installed this system about 10 years ago, there was a lot more lawn and way fewer plants. Every year it seems I need to call on my handy-dandy irrigation guy, Ricky, to tweak one sprinkler head or another to allow for plant growth or changes in bed layouts. As helpful as it's been in keeping the front gardens watered, our main reason for installing it was to help keep the foundation of the house stable. Our clay soil can cause some real problems with foundations settling and adequate moisture does make a difference.
Since I can't stand to leave you with such ugly pictures in your heads, what say I provide a few parting shots of some hotties from my corner of Katy?
Fruity Pebbles Lantana (named for its fragrance,
and yeah, it does smell a bit like Fruity Pebbles cereal)
A rescued Bougainvillea (I just learned this year that they bloom
on new wood, which explains why letting them get leggy does no good)

Latah, dahlinks!
That's all right, I'm not complaining about now having fewer photo ops to share with you. Hear me and hear me well: I vowed after the droughty summer of 2006 that I would never again complain about rain. I hereby renew that vow in the presence of you, my trustworthy and stalwart witnesses (well, some of you ...). Hand on heart, I do solemnly swear that I will never complain about rain and that the words 'too much rain' will not pass my lips. So help me Mother Nature. OK, that done, I shall return anon. I'm headed out to take pictures.
And I'm back! These are a few examples of what I'm seeing around the neighborhood.
Fried ferns on a north-facing fence
is that they're such tough plants. It's all been too much for this one, though.
It's possible this is a reaction to some kind of chemical application, since
several others in this stretch look healthy.
This is a utility easement between two alleys. Think nothing
can bother Coastal Bermuda Grass? Exhibit A says otherwise!
This planting of Ligustrums (Privets) and Asian/Asiatic Jasmine on a nearby corner really illustrates how dry it's been. Compare the healthy dark green foliage at the bottom of the Ligustrums with the badly stressed top growth. It takes a lot to stress both Ligustrums and Asian Jasmine. We've had a lot. Also note the sorry state of the St. Augustine Grass in front of the bed.
As for my corner of Katy, it's not as bad as what's shown above. We do have a sprinkler system in the front and side yards; I usually switch the system on in June and then shut it off around November. When we installed this system about 10 years ago, there was a lot more lawn and way fewer plants. Every year it seems I need to call on my handy-dandy irrigation guy, Ricky, to tweak one sprinkler head or another to allow for plant growth or changes in bed layouts. As helpful as it's been in keeping the front gardens watered, our main reason for installing it was to help keep the foundation of the house stable. Our clay soil can cause some real problems with foundations settling and adequate moisture does make a difference.
Since I can't stand to leave you with such ugly pictures in your heads, what say I provide a few parting shots of some hotties from my corner of Katy?
Lantana camara 'I forgetitia'
and yeah, it does smell a bit like Fruity Pebbles cereal)
on new wood, which explains why letting them get leggy does no good)
Latah, dahlinks!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Wonder what happened to that crepe myrtle...they've been amazing in my neighborhood. Think I need to add one to the front yard next fall/winter.
Oh, Cindy - hope we both make it through this summer with our favorites intact.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
I really like the 'Fruity Pebbles' Lantana, even if it does have a silly name.
I have to admit that the drought is putting a damper on my gardening enthusiasm, and even for blogging about it. Sigh.
Cityslipper, a friend in Vermont has been lamenting her excess of rain. I do wish we could remedy the inequities!
Kathy, you're right, it does!
Annie, most of the Crepe Myrtles look pretty good. I really think this one got hit with something chemical, maybe a systemic herbicide. If the gardens and the gardeners make it through this summer OK, it will be cause for major celebration!
Gail, it's either drought or flood around here. Extremes R Us!
MMD, there are lots of other pitiable plants. Cast Iron Plants are anything but this year!
Beckie, the only way I can stand it is to crank the a/c down and count the days till October 1st. 63!
Leslie, there are a lot more winners than losers, thank goodness. It's hard to see some of my favorites suffering, though.
Jean, if we get that El Nino winter as promised, my vow of non-complainance may not hold up!
Pam, you are so right about the Bermuda coming back: there was a noticeable difference after just one 30 minute shower! It's hard to be enthusiastic about gardening when it's so miserable out, and if we can't garden, we can't blog about it!
RORose, I'm trying to divide my sorrows by sharing them!
Linda, yep, this summer has sapped a lot of my usual garden euphoria. 63 days ... 63 days ... 63 days ...
Rose, thank goodness for stalwarts like Lantana. When I'm tempted to dismiss them as dead common (as the Brits say), I need to remind myself that they came through for me this summer.
I've got some fried guys, like you, too. Heart-breaking. But the lively and pretty ones are working their little roots off to keep up our spirits so we'll get them some new friends.
I understand about the clay soil on house. We have a drip hose around the entire perimeter so that the house doesn't shift any more than it has. Still, there are some huge holes near the front porch. Gasp.
Glad you got a bit of rain. In Austin, it missed my neighborhood as usual.