An over the top view of Tulip 'Monsella'

How did I garden this long without having experienced Narcissus 'Erlicheer'? I'm already making plans to order mass quantities for next year's garden.
Ditto for 'Avalanche"!

No demure nodding of its head for this Leucojum ... it's showing its face for all to see!

My attempt at forcing Hyacinths last year was a dismal failure, so this year's success is that much sweeter.
Where did you get your bulbs? Mine are starting to come up, but they sure could use some sun!
Rose, I got not one bloom last year from the Hyacinths I tried to force. I'd love to grow them inside just to have that fragrance close by.
Leslie, the dots on the snowflakes are definitely green. They may start out more yellow-green when young, though.
MT, I ordered from Brent & Becky's Bulbs and I will definitely do so again. The Snowflakes were passalongs, though.
You asked about daffodils to naturalize in a lawn. My suggestion is to use the smaller daffodils and the earlier blooming: February Gold, Little Gem, Tete a Tete, Jet Fire and the like. They'll need time to mature before the lawn is mowed. I rake a little line of pine straw so that the-one-who-mows knows not to run over them prematurely. I've even put surveyor's tape where he can see not to mow. In the front yard, I plant little crescents of daffodils on the ends of my berms rather than putting them in the lawn so that neat prevails.