It was a wet and chilly winter day here on my corner of Katy. Again. I think about last year's painfully hot and dry summer and the elation I felt when the fall rains finally began. I remind myself of my vow, first made in the drought of 2006 and renewed last year, that I would never again complain about too much rain. I tell myself I'm not complaining, not really, just whining a little. But I know better. Quiet whinging though it may be, my words on the subject of the recent winter weather have not been positive ones. I console myself with the knowledge that many of my fellow Texas gardeners are struggling with warring impulses: we want to celebrate the cold and the rain even as we bemoan them. We remember summer's heat and drought all too vividly and we know how we longed for today's kind of weather six months ago. So we continue to tweet and plurk and blog about our struggles with the extremes of weather we face and hope for more temperate days to come.