Oh, the cruel, cruel irony of it all ... for months now I've been excited about the prospect of escaping Houston's mid-summer heat and humidity for the cooler, drier air of Buffalo. Somehow our climates managed to reverse themselves and today the high in Houston was lower than the high in Buffalo! I did not cry, despite my previous threats to do so if this situation occurred. I whined a little, true, but I was not alone in that.

The weather may not have been what we'd wished but the company has been superb. Last year's new acquaintances are now cherished friends and it's been lovely to meet more future friends. I'm not the only Houstonian in attendance: I had some time after dinner to sit and talk with Houston Garden Girl Melissa, who lives and gardens in the Meyerland/Westbury area of Houston.

On the way to Elizabeth Licata's Allentown home for pre-dinner cocktails, we stopped by a few of the homes that will be participating in the famous Buffalo Garden Walk later this month. This tiny but fabulous back garden was my favorite. The lilies were intoxicating, both in their beauty and their fragrance.

Hey, they have stock tank planters in Buffalo, too! This picture is from Lucky's garden and I apologize for not getting a picture of the charming and energetic canine gardener, whose puppyish charm won me over in seconds!

Tomorrow we head out for a full day of touring gardens ... there will be lots more talking and visiting and enjoying to do!