And I'll bet your first reaction is "Great, so what IS it?"
Despite appearances, it is NOT a hot water heater!

All shall be revealed later this week. The Head Gardener and I require assistance in uncrating and setting up the sculpture I purchased in Buffalo. It will take pride of place on the courtyard wall by the front door, where all who enter can see it. Many thanks to the sculptor for his careful crating of his work of art; I've decided that he shall remain nameless until I can show you the piece in situ.
All shall be revealed later this week. The Head Gardener and I require assistance in uncrating and setting up the sculpture I purchased in Buffalo. It will take pride of place on the courtyard wall by the front door, where all who enter can see it. Many thanks to the sculptor for his careful crating of his work of art; I've decided that he shall remain nameless until I can show you the piece in situ.
Will all the rain we've been having lately, I was guessing it was a large version rain gauge! ha ha
BTW: I posted an image on my garden blog for you. It shows BOTH SPECIES of the weed you hate.
David at Tropical Texana (Houston)
Susan, I think you'll like it!
Jean, I've emptied the barrel so it's back to doing trash duty till the next rainy spell! Making it fulfill double duties makes me feel very green :-)