The Hottest Bloom Day Yet: June 2011

While blooms may be plentiful on my corner of Katy, the temperature soared to 105 degrees again today.   (The maximum temperature for June is usually in the low 90s.)  Both the plants and my enthusiasm are flagging, so photographic evidence of blooms is limited.

The Hymenocallis began opening this week.  Otahal claims he gave me these plants.  Since I can't remember, I guess I have to take his word for it. I should ask him if he gave me two different species, though ... look at the variation in the blooms.

Burpee's 2011 selections include a Zinnia they call Queen Red Lime.  I wonder how much time, effort and money goes into the process of making it available?  Here on my corner of Katy, the pollinators did an excellent job of creating a similar hybrid.  The blooms below are all from one plant.

That's all this month, y'all.  Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see what's blooming in other bloggers' gardens!


Rose said…
Who needs hybrids when the pollinators do the work for you?:) That's definitely an unusual and pretty zinnia. Thanks for braving the heat and sharing these photos!
Hmmm on the Hymenocallis. Odd, that's what that is. I do love Zinnias and their way of making themselves, well, themselves. Sorry about the temps. It's the same way here. I just do the morning watering and try to let it go. You need an irrigation system my darling.~~Dee
Robin Ripley said…
I love the hymenocallis. It's a nice step away from the everyday.
Kathy said…
At first I read hemerocallis! Hymenocallis is something I can only grow in pots, and even then I'm not sure if it would bloom before frost. Is it fragrant?
Linda said…
Heroic plants to withstand your trememdous heat. I can understand that enthusiasm must flag when it's so hot.
Love those Hymenocallis! So delicate and I bet they look fantastic in the evening.
I've never seen the slender looking blooms of Hymenocallis. I really like them. You're made of sterner stuff than I am to go out and take photos in 100+ degrees.
Cindy, MCOK said…
Rose, I'm thankful to have many kinds of pollinators on my corner.

Dee, it really is kind of weird but wonderful. Zinnias ARE rather promiscuous, aren't they? I'm going to consult a couple of people re irrigation and see what they think.

Robin, they're Texas tough, too, although with so little rain and such high temperatures, the blooms aren't lasting as long.

Kathy, I'll have to see if I can get a whiff of the Hymenocallis and see whether they're fragrant.

Linda, that kind of heat is thoroughly demoralizing. I whine a lot!
Pammy said…
I've been enjoying reading your posts. We garden in Waller County. It's always nice to see someone striving to grow native and sustainable in a near neck of the woods. Happy Gardening and thanks for your post. ~ Pammy of Thyme Square Gardens.
Commonweeder said…
I do wish dry and wet cool weather could be parcelled out more equitably.
Donald's Garden said…
Your Zinnia looks better IMHO! :)
Cottage Dome said…
A beautiful color of zinnia. I'm a big zinnia fan.