The Garden Is In The Pink!

And why shouldn't it be?  An abundance of rain has brought new blooms to the gardens here on my corner of Katy.  

This is a rain lily ... but is it Zephyranthes grandiflora, Z. labuffarosea or a Habranthus?  

The crinum given to me by Amy lo these many years ago and identified by her as Crinum rattrayi (C. jagus var. rattrayi) is blooming. 

Stars and Stripes Crinum
'Caldwell Pink' rose

'Senorita Blanca' Cleome blushes prettily amidst verbenas and pavonias.


Rose 'Mrs. Dudley Cross'

Soapwort/Bouncing Bet (Saponaria officinalis, I think)
Pink Surprise Bush (Orthosiphon labiatus) with Pigeonberry (Rivinia humilis)

One of many beautiful coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea)

Coral vine (Antigonon leptopus)

This sweet little Winecup (Callirhoe involucrata) refuses to acknowledge that it is an early spring bloomer.

One of the many Serenity Mix verbenas, or maybe Plantation Rose?

And the butterflies' favorite: Zinnias!
Thanks to Carol of May Dreams Gardens, the originator of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.  If you haven't read her posts on her visit to the gardens of Elizabeth Lawrence, who was the inspiration for GBBD, you must do so!  


Your garden has put the rain to good looks lovely! I must research crinum...and add them here!
Fairegarden said…
So many blooms! Pink becomes you, and your garden, Cindy.
Gail said…
I love pink and you can't have too much! Just once I want a rain lily to flower in my garden!
It's so wonderful to see your garden thriving again. What a relief. I think your Callirhoe think they're in my garden, as my Callirhoe don't start up until early summer and bloom all summer long. The Crinums are just lovely!
Layanee said…
You have some stalwart plants there and pink ones at that.
Alison said…
I loved seeing all these flowers from your garden, Cindy! Usually your posts are short and sweet, this one was a delight. Glad to hear you've had some rain.
Pink looks good on you and your garden. So many pretties. I'm trying another crinum this year. I hope it is happy in its spot and blooms its fool head off in a few years. Happy bloom day dear friend.~~Dee
Marisa said…
Love your crinums! I bought 3 different ones at a market about 4 years ago that were doing really well until an army of caterpillars attacked. I lost one, and still haven't had a flower from either of the survivors, but will now give tham a stern talking-to.
Kathy said…
Do you ever see hummers at the cleome? A hummingbird visits mine every day. Love those crinums!
Wally said…
Everything's so pretty. I especially like Mrs Dudley Cross.
stone said…
Single colour posts are hard... But you made it look easy!

Ima fan of crinums n rain lilies meself... Those roses, not so much.

I totally want some wine cup!

I googled the coral vine... Reckon I'll leave that one to yall Texans... After the way that Florida is complaining...