Or sweltering where they're situated ... given the ongoing heat and drought, it's surprising how many plants continue to bloom. Rain did make an appearance on my corner of Katy, not once but twice this week: on both Monday and Wednesday afternoons, it rained for about 20 minutes. 20 minutes can't make a dent in the 20 inch rainfall deficit but at least it cools things off a bit and refreshes the foliage. The Head Gardener and I are grateful for any rain that falls, no matter how few the drops.
But enough of my whinging about the weather ... let's take a virtual stroll around the gardens and I'll show you what's blooming here at Wit's End.
This is the view from the garden gate: It's not surprising that Echinaceas, Pavonias, Gauras, Blackfoot Daisies and Verbenas are tolerating the extreme conditions. What IS surprising is how well Pigeonberry (Rivinia humilis) is doing. | |
Zinnias with Blackfoot Daisy (Melampodium leucanthemum), Gauras, and Salvia 'Otahal' |
Although hot colors are supposedly banned from the back gardens, my failure to deadhead consistently sometimes creates felicitous combinations that cause me to wonder if I should rethink that ban. The HG gets surly when I suggest it, though.
I let the Gauras reseed freely in the back and yank them out if they violate my amenities. That's hot pink Verbena underneath. |
These screaming pink/red zinnias are out in the rose bed ... mercy, they're bright! The camera doesn't do them justice (or the photographer doesn't). |
Out front, there's a Dwarf Pomegranate in flower. |
I should plant more Texas Betony (Stachys coccinea). I like how it works with Abelmoschus. Wonder how they'd look under that pomegranate? |
This one's for Gail at Clay and Limestone because she loves the pollinators so! This bee was very happy to find the Calylophus. |
This native Ruellia has reseeded itself prolifically in one area of the garden. See picture below for just how prolifically. |
Yep, all those plants amongst the rocks ... Ruellia! |
Another native plant, Peruvian Pavonia (Pavonia peruviensis), is one of the most stalwart summer bloomers you can plant. It also reseeds readily but the seedlings are easily identified and pulled when young to keep it in check. It keeps chugging along no matter what the conditions: if it gets too rangy, I just whack it back with no worries. |
I'll leave you with this zoom shot of the crape myrtle at the end of my cul-de-sac. The Crapes have been outstanding bloomers this year. The HG and I think the cold weather really invigorated them. |
Thanks as always to Carol of May Dreams Gardens for instigating and hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. I'm looking forward to seeing her and many other garden bloggers at the Seattle Fling next week!
So, yes, I stay in the AC, then dash outside, work in the garden, then dash back in.
Looks like you've been doing a lot of dashing yourself. I love all of it. The rock garden effect with all the interplantings is timeless. I wish I had more rocks.
Happy Rainfall Day. I got .35", but I'll take it without any grumbling for more.
David/ Tropical Texana/
Blackfoot Daisy. I hope that the rains return to Texas and soon. gail ps thank you for the linkage!